Setup Oracle EBS / Apps R12 for Forms Record and Playback


Step by Step Guide  Contd....

Step 2:-


(You will need  the help of APPS DBA or SYSADMIN for performing this step)


Next, you have to edit the ICX:Forms Launcher Profile setting.  To do this login as Sysadmin and navigate to /Profiles/System menu and then select the profile ICX:Forms Launcher and username REC_USER and click Find as shown in the screenshot below



Then you will get a window showing this profile setting at Site Level, Responsibility Level, Application Level and User Level. The Site Level Profile option will already contain a value which is used to launch forms. Now to turn on recording at user level copy this value from Site Level Profile option to User Level profile option and append the "record=" option at the end of the value as shown below



If Forms Server is running in Unix:


Before Edit:




After Edit




This will make forms record all the keystrokes in the file "myrec.fdl" in the default location {$INST_TOP/logs/ora/[FORMS Version Number]/forms} directory. For example if the mount point of APPS_TIER is /u02/applmgr then the recorded files will be located in the following directory




Note: In R12 we have to specify the play=dummy.fdl option otherwise Oracle Forms will not record any data


Next edit the ICX:Forms Launcher Profile setting for PLAY_USER.  To do this login as SYSADMIN and navigate to /Profiles/System menu and then select the profile ICX:Forms Launcher and username PLAY_USER and click OK as shown in the screenshot below



Then you will get a window showing this profile setting at Site Level, Responsibility Level, Application Level and User Level. The Site Level Profile option will already contain a value which is used to launch forms. Now to turn on playback at user level copy this value from Site Level Profile option to User Level profile option and append the "record=playrec.fdl%20play=play.fdl" option at the end of the value as shown below


Before Edit:




After Edit




In the above Oracle will play the file "play.fdl" and record the log of playback in file "playrec.fdl". This "playrec.fdl" file can be viewed to view the outcome of playback load later on.



Now whenever user REC_USER logons to oracle apps, oracle forms will record all keystrokes and mouse clicks in file myrec.fdl



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