In a windows client login as REC_USER and open the required form and enter at least 2 sample records. Please follow the given guidelines while recording
Guidelines for Recording Loads.
- Enter at least 2 similar records. i.e. enter the data in same number of fields in the same order in both the records.
- If you have entered data in 10 fields in first sample record then enter data for 10 fields in second sample record also. Do not skip fields and do not use extra fields while entering second record.
- Do not use different ways to select check boxes or radio boxes. If you have used mouse to select a value for a check box or radio box field then use mouse to select the same check box or radio box field in second record. If you have used keyboard then use keyboard to select check box or radio box fields in both the sample records.
- Use Keyboard shortcuts as much as possible instead of mouse clicks while recording
- Enter data directly in LOV fields as much as possible instead of selecting from LOVs
- Do not switch between forms while recording
- Exit Oracle Application as soon as you finished entering sample records.
- For Drop down lists enter as many sample records as different values in the drop down list you want to use.
- It is better to do a rehearsal before actually recording by logging as different user with the same responsibility
- First attempt to load the data into a simple form before attempting to load data in a complex form.
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