Once you have prepared the data loader template click the "Start Loading" button on the toolbar or choose "Start Loading" command from the Tools menu. When you select this command you will get a window as shown below.
Here you can select the following:
If you have used the Shortcuts in the worksheet then, select the
target application type to which Forms Data Loader should map these
shortcuts. Otherwise, you can leave this field blank. For more info see
Shortcuts help.
Select the target application window title from the list. If your target window title is not showing make sure that the target application window is running and visible and click the adjacent "Refresh" button. If still you are not seeing the window title then type in the target application window title name as it is in the text box.
Select the range of cells you want to load. You can load only highlighted cells or only cells from one particular row to another row or you can load all the cells.
Click this check box if you are running the load for the first time. When this option is selected then FDL will show a dialog box after processing each cell. This is very good option for testing loads when you select this option FDL will show a dialog box as shown below after loading each cell
Click Next Step to proceed to the next step, or click "Continue to End" button to continue loading without step by step mode or click "Cancel" button to cancel loading.
Here you can increase or decrease the speed with which Forms Data Loader sends the keystrokes. When you are preparing and testing the load you can set the speed indicate to slow level and after the load is complete you can set it to faster level.
You can check this if you are sending the keystrokes to a Target Application running in Remote Desktop. You can also try this method if you are facing problems in using the default method.
As Forms Data Loader loads data into target application by sending keystrokes many a times the load will go awry because of various reasons like
- Missing some fields in preparing the load or,
- Missing keystrokes to move between the fields or
- The speed at which target application process the data send to it. Like for example you have to send the data "Acme Constructions" to the First field and then send a "{TAB}" keystroke to move to Second field and then send data "No 1. Street" in it.
When you run this load FDL will send the data for the first field and then sends the "{TAB}" keystroke and then send the data for the second field . Now when the target application receives the {TAB} keystroke it is still processing the data entered into the first field and ignores the {TAB} keystroke and the data meant for second field is entered into first field itself.
This can be avoided by inserting time delays in between the cells. However, inserting time delays makes the load run slower. To avoid this FDL provides a feature to verify the data send to the target application by checking the target application event logfile provided the target application supports logging of events and keystrokes send to it.
If the target application supports logging of keystrokes then select the "Verify Data" check box and entered the path and filename of the logfile in which target application will be recording the keystrokes.
Oracle Application Forms support this feature. To enable this feature for Oracle Application you have to first configure Oracle Application Forms Server to record the events and keystrokes in a log file and this logfile path and filename must be entered in the textbox provided.
Enabling Oracle Forms Server Recording Feature
To enable Forms for recording you have to make changes to the Forms
Configuration file appsweb.cfg located in $OA_HTML/bin directory. Make a
backup of the file before editing it.
Open the Forms Configuration file (appsweb.cfg) and enter the
following code at the end of the file as shown below
If $OA_HTML/bin/appsweb_{$ORACLE_SID}_{$HOSTNAME}.cfg also exist then
edit this file also and make the same changes as you have done in
appsweb.cfg. It is always better to make a backup before editing the
After making the changes save the file.
Next, you have to edit the ICX:Forms Launcher Profile setting. It will already contain a value which is used to launch forms. You have to append the "record=" option at the end of the value as shown below
If Forms are running in Unix:
Before Edit:
After Edit
If Forms are running in Windows:
Before Edit:
After Edit
This will make forms record all the keystrokes in the file "myrecord.log" in the default location {$8.0.6_HOME}/forms60/log directory in Unix and {$8.0.6_HOME/forms60/bin} directory in Windows.
Note :
Edit the profile setting at Site Level or Application Level or User Level depending upon which session level you want to enable recording. We recommend to turn on recording at user level for the user who will be running the load.
Since from Apps 11i, Forms are run in the application tier and not in client desktop tier, ask your Apps DBA to place the Forms record file in a directory in the server which is accessible by both the forms server and the clients desktop. This can be done by network file sharing (NFS) or Samba Shares or any other appropriate method.
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